Monday, December 11, 2006

Day 19: +$3.40 (+3 BB at $.50/1)

Overall: +$37.45 in 2881 table minutes

After not playing for about two weeks, it feels good to sit down and to play again. I think I did quite well, holding back some aggression in spots that were bad, and being willing to make folds that I know are good folds (most of them, anyway). I don't have a whole lot to say except that I reached 6000 posts at Two Plus Two. I don't want to post many hands today because many of them are uninteresting.

Hand 1: AA gets cracked, but I believe I played it the best possible way. I had seen nothing unusually aggressive about SB so far, so the preflop 3-bet was significant. I was very concerned with the QJx flop because that gives two likely 3-betting hands (QQ/JJ) a better hand than mine. If he has KK, he might overplay it if I cap him, but I think the flop cap often slows down opponents, and I'll not extract much more money from them.

Preflop: Hero is BB with As, Ac.
UTG calls, MP raises, 1 fold, SB 3-bets, Hero caps, UTG folds, MP calls, SB calls.

Flop: (13 SB) Jc, 3s, Qh (3 players)
SB bets, Hero raises, MP calls, SB 3-bets, Hero calls, MP calls.

Turn: (11 BB) 6c (3 players)
SB bets, Hero calls, MP calls.

River: (14 BB) 5s (3 players)
SB bets, Hero calls, MP calls.

SB has Qs Qc (three of a kind, queens).
Hero has As Ac (one pair, aces).
MP has Qd Ad (one pair, queens).

Hand 2: What? AA cracked again? Yeah. Lousy variance. I suppose I could have bet/folded the river, but I hate to do that with an overpair.

Preflop: Hero is SB with Ac, Ad.
UTG calls, Button calls, SB raises, BB calls, UTG calls, Button calls.

Flop: (8 SB) 3h, 9d, 4d (4 players)
Hero bets, BB calls, UTG calls, Button folds.

Turn: (5.50 BB) Th (3 players)
Hero bets, BB calls, UTG calls.

River: (8.50 BB) 4s (3 players)
Hero bets, BB raises, UTG folds, Hero calls.

Hero has Ac Ad (two pair, aces and fours).
BB has 4h 5s (three of a kind, fours).

Hand 3: I say that I think I could have folded the overpair in the previous hand, but here I fold a set on the river, and I don't really like it that much. I think this is a bad fold due to the number of two pair combinations this could be.

Preflop: Hero is MP with Js, Jc.
1 fold, Hero raises, Button calls, SB calls, 1 fold.

Flop: (7 SB) Jh, Qc, 3h (3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets, Button folds, SB calls.

Turn: (4.50 BB) Kd (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets, SB calls.

River: (6.50 BB) 9c (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets, SB raises, Hero folds.

Hand 4: Here's what I think a standard turn fold with KK should look like. The flop coldcall and turn check-raise is a very scary combination. The ace only makes it worse.

Preflop: Hero is CO with Kd, Ks.
UTG calls, 1 fold, Hero raises, 1 fold, SB calls, 1 fold, UTG calls.

Flop: (7 SB) Jd, 6h, 8d (3 players)
SB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets, SB raises, UTG calls, Hero 3-bets, SB folds, UTG calls.

Turn: (7.50 BB) Ac (2 players)
UTG checks, Hero bets, UTG raises, Hero folds.

Hand 5: Here's an odd one. Villain is a multi-tabler (sitting at both tables with me, in fact), and has pretty solid TAG stats. I think he might be a 2+2er, and if he is then he likely knows I'm one, too. Getting capped preflop indicates to me a strong hand. If he 3-bets my check-raise on the flop, I'm done. I played it this way to knock out one of many pocket pairs lower than a K that potentially doesn't want to go to an expensive showdown. When he just called, but then popped the turn, something felt really odd. There was a bit of a timing tell as well, but I let that take less meaning because he's multi-tabling. With 6 outs, this is a super-easy call. Fortunately, he checked behind, because I was folding to a river bet.

If he knows anything about me, then his turn raise is bad. There aren't many hands I would play this way. For example, I wouldn't play QQ-TT this way, as I would just check-call to get to showdown with those against an aggro player. If I have AK/AA/KK/77/44, he's not bluffing me off my hand. If I had a naked ace, I would have continued to bet if he had given me the chance (which means the turn raise would have made me fold, and then he doesn't collect the extra bet from me on the river). So I think FPS-ego might have gotten the best of him.

Preflop: Hero is BB with 6c, 6s.
1 fold, Button raises, 1 fold, Hero 3-bets, Button caps, Hero calls.

Flop: (8.50 SB) 7h, 4d, Ks (2 players)
Hero checks, Button bets, Hero raises, Button calls.

Turn: (6.25 BB) 3d (2 players)

Hero bets, Button raises, Hero calls.

River: (10.25 BB) 2c (2 players)

Hero checks, Button checks.

Hero has 6c 6s (one pair, sixes).
Button has Ah Qs (high card, ace).

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