Sunday, March 18, 2007

Playing KQ Out of Position

I didn't play any hands of poker yesterday, but I did start a series of threads over at the MicroLimit forum. Below, you'll find the introduction and the links. I think it generated some interesting discussion. If anything, I would advise paying attention to Entity. He's been posting there for at least as long as I have (I think) and he's shown himself to be a very good poster and a very good player.


Rather than play poker today, I decided I would do a careful study of a specific hand. I think that I generally need to do more studying because I think my play is starting to turn a little LAG-tastic and bad. At first I was going to do AK, but I decided that KQ might be more interesting. Specifically, I'm looking at $2/4 Pokerstars 6-max hands where I had KQ from the blinds. The stats that are provided may not have been available at the time of the hand.

I give away all the action, the results, and my thoughts right up front. Even though stats are included, I may or may not have had them at the time of the hand. While critiques of how I played my hand would be fine, I think you should really focus on the thoughts that I lay out. I've left out the ones that were super-standard (raise preflop, hit a K or Q, bet-bet-bet-profit). Some of these feel standard, but they may be closer decisions.

Some of you will complain a little about flooding the forum with 8 threads, but it looks like today is a pretty slow day anyway. Plus, 8 hands is just too many for one thread. I actually put this all together in one post and realized that the length made it completely unbearable. I will try to wait some time in between my posts as a courtesy.

Here is a brief description of hands so that you know what is about to come.

Hand 1: 3-betting KQs from SB and getting capped
Hand 2: KQs calling from SB against Button's raise in a multiway pot
Hand 3: Raising a limper OOP with KQs
Hand 4: Raising when SB limps HU with KQs
Hand 5: Checked from BB with KQo and got lots of flop action with TP
Hand 6: Raising KQo from SB against two limpers and flopping an ace
Hand 7: Failed isolation attempt against a button raise
Hand 8: Folding KQo from BB.

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