I see that I did, in fact, clear the 100 BB mark earlier, but it happened in the middle of a session. I don't watch the totals very closely as I play, so I didn't really know that I was over the top until after the fact. There were four somewhat substantial downswings during this 5000 hand run. Horray for variance.
I'm not sure how to make these images appear in full size, but that's okay. Click on them and they should pop up nice and big.
General Stats:
Other observations:
There are so many little nuances to this game. An interesting situation is what happens postflop when you open-raise preflop. Of the 5243 hands that I played, 569 of them were open-raised (Raised First In filter), winning $231.00 (0.41 BB/hand). Here are some stats regarding those hands:
- 242 hands (42.5%) were won before showdown, winning $336.15 (1.39 BB/hand)
- 90 hands (15.8% of all hands, 37.2% of win before showdown hands) were won without a flop, winning $58.25 (0.65 BB/hand)
- 187 hands (32.9%) went to showdown, winning $147.35 (0.79 BB/hand)
- 138 hands (24.3%) were folded before showdown, losing $250.50 (-1.82 BB/hand)
- 40 hands (7.0% of all RFI hands, 29.0% of FBSD hands) were folded on the river, losing $99.00 (-2.48 BB/hand)
- 370 hands (65.0%) were "Chance to Steal and Raised", winning $93.50 (0.25 BB/hand)
Of course, as a consequence of betting the turn, there is a question of what to do on the river. Out of position, I do a lot of check-folding with junky hands (notice that the folded on the river hands are very close to -2.5 BB/hand -- This corresponds to 1 BB preflop, 0.5 SB on the flop, 1 BB on the turn, then check-folding the river).
What about folds before the river? Another caluation shows that I lost $151.50 in 98 hands (-1.55 BB/hand, 17.2% of all hands). This represents a lot of betting the flop and checking on the turn. This could be both giving up out of position and checking behind on the turn to improve cheaply. I believe there are a number of flop folds to donk bets, too, and those are usually with pocket pairs that flopped overcards and weaker stealing hands.
Here is another batch of RFI stats:
- 271 hands (47.6%) were heads up on the flop, winning $50.65 (0.19 BB/hand).
- 170 hands (29.9%) were 3-handed on the flop, winning $49.65 (0.29 BB/hand).
- 40 hands (7.0%) were 4-handed or more on the flop, winning $70.45 (1.76 BB/hand).
- 88 hands (15.5%) were won before the flop, winning $60.25 (0.68 BB/hand).
For the 271 heads up flops:
- 115 hands (42.4%) were won before showdown, winning $169.90 (1.48 BB/hand)
- 42 hands (15.5%) were won at showdown, winning $131.15 (3.12 BB/hand)
- 63 hands (23.4%) were folded before showdown, losing $113.00 (-1.79 BB/hand)
- 49 hands (18.1%) were lost at showdown, losing $135.40 (-2.76 BB/hand)
I think I'm done with this analysis now.
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