I was taking a closer look at my stats today and I realized that I have made a $100 mistake. I actually crossed the desired threshold for $3/6 a while ago. When glancing at my stats, I forgot that I started with an initial bankroll of $100. This means that in order to be rolled for $3/6, I need to have made $500 profit. Instead, I was watching my stats for the $600 profit mark. Oh well.
I don't have much to say now, so I'll just post pictures.
General Stats:


Details Page:

Position Tab:
What's your feeling of the general level of play on each distinct limit? Is there a clear progression in aggressiveness or tightness?
I take it that you don't adjust much to the "level", so to speak, but just try to play best poker you can?
(Not much can be deduced from the winrates themselves because of the low sample size, I know.)
The aggression generally moves upward, though there is still a wide range of passives/aggressives at any given table.
The way this factors in for me is that when I face off against an unknown, my expectations have differed slightly at each level. At $3/6, I'm more inclined to calldown with A-high on a low ragged board against an unknown than at $.50/1. I also expect to be able to induce more bluffs by checking OOP HU on scary river cards.
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